Sunday, August 16, 2009


I'm making a wolrd for you, full of love, family and me. A World you want to breath in, explore and be in! I'll leave alot of pictures by your side and a guitar for you to play, a bunch of toys and the quilt i had as a child. I'll make alot of cakes and try to bake you a pie! I'll take you to hills,over the ocean and the city i grew up in. I'll keep you by my side,dream dreams into your eyes and watch you grow. I'll sow character in you and plant a song in you heart to guide you. Your beleifs will be your own,your thoughts too! ...But child your future is unseen and your destiny unknown but i will be there always to protect you. Protection from every evil word and from every heart-break i will keep you. You will one day fall inlove and leave me but this letter you shall always keep. One day all dusty you will find it and open it and read it. Tears will fall from your eyes and you will remember everytime i spent with you. Read it to her Zara and fill her eyes with dreams,her heart with a song and her soul with thoughts. Protect her like i did you and keep her ever close.
Love her like i once loved you.


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